2013年12月17日 星期二

Early bird

can you see the fisherman ?

Bridge towards Tai Po Market.

The Bridge from Kwong Fuk, towards Tai Po Market, across Tai Po River. Wong Shiu Chi Secondary School in the centre left side.

Handsome 2528

views of 2528 , handsome ah.

Old faithful

Old faithful

A bridge with some serenrity

A bridge with some serenity.

Island house sign ( not much use)

Cross the road , the bus stop heading towards the City direction. The cycle path in the centre leads to Tolo Cycle path.

Space station entrance

 A space station entrance.

Circular Bridge

The circular pedstrain Bridge towards Kwong Fuk Estate, in spring time, it is a hot spot for photographers, close shots for flowers.

First pedestrian bridge entering Tai Po town

This is is the main bridge over the Kwong Fuk road, connecting the Football field and Kwong Fuk Estate

2013年11月26日 星期二

Circle flyover bridge

The circle pedestrian flyover bridge across the Kwong Fuk Road.
Kwong Fuk Estate is in the background.
Looks like a birthday cake ? 

Railway Bridge over Tai Po River 2

Another view of The Railway bridge over Tai Po Rover. A slight taste of Japan, At the background is the highway bypass and a football field.

Railway bridges across Tai Po River

The railway bridge  across Tai Po River, just before entering Tai Po station. solid and firmly built, hundreds and thousands benefit. At the back ground is the constructing bypass over the Old New Territories Governor residence site. 2013 Nov

Wai Yan Street, Triangle Park

Wai Yan street, crosses the road would be the famous triangle park, where you find the minibus services to various hinterland villages, such as Bridesmaid fall, Wu Kaw Tang and Lam Tsuen (villages) inside the  triangle is an old classic building which is a power sub-station. 

Tai Po River before joining Lam Tsuen River

This is the another bridge that across the Tai Po River, before joining with Lam Tsuen River. Linking Kwong Fuk Estate and the recreational junction. Far in the background is the first bridge, which is used by car as well. This one is pedestrian use. 

Bridge just outside the Tai Po Government building

One of the older bridge in Hong Kong, rebuilt of course, linking the Tai Po Government office to the Old Tai Po Market, old , should be old, as inside the street market,there is an old Temple. This bridge should be the Kowng Fuk Bridge, in Autumn Festival, with the lighting, is quite good looking at night. One can imagine it liked the bridge in Florence,Italy. ( Not really, unless we add some Goldsmith stall and a wild boar stature.)

Bridge connects New and the not so new Tai Po

This Bridge connects the main road from Tai Po Centre to Old Tai Po Market.You can see the 4 main support at the bridge base. Basically, the design of the bridges in Tai Po repeats itself, differs only in the width and has its beauty in the simplicity and functional appeals. There are still some fishing boats sheltering under the bridge. Most may set off in the morning. Still some fishes find in Tolo harbour.

Lam Tsuen River joins the sea

 A storm was approaching, as the Lam Tsuen river joins the Tolo Harbour, one can see the Tai po coastal park in the left side and a ? bird was watching the changing weather, probably enjoying the sea breeze? No fish in sight.....

2013年10月23日 星期三

A blue light boat

The left bank of Lam Tsuen river, towards Tai Wo Estate.
A light fishing boat rests after the morning round. there is still some individualised fishing activities . One can see the side water work controlling gate at the opposite bank .

2013年10月15日 星期二

Tai Po , full of bridges, becos,

Tai Po , full of bridges, becos, there are at least 2 big rivers, join together at Kwong Fuk Estate to Tolo habour.
Some pictures to show these great links.

The good bridge linking Tai Po centre towards the train station.

The good bridge that links Tai Po cnetre towards the train station.
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Luk Heung resettlement

This should be where the resettlement buildings  Luk Heung Chuen for the plover cove residents .
The sea water should be where tai Po centre is now.
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Tai Po market station and bus stop. 1984

This is an old photo from web, should be where Uptown plaza is now. ( around 1984. ) Can see the hill line at the background.
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Dargon boat for practise

This  is Tai Po River, down direction, looking back , one can see the Fung Leung Kit Secondary school , with the Car bridges, Kwong Fukl estae was at the right. A dragon boat for practises session sits idly in the middle of the river, arly in the morning around 7 am.
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